mardi 8 mars 2011

"Trop subtil pour un homme" à New York

Trop subtil pour un homme  
traverse l’Atlantique 
et investit 
le très frenchie blog new-yorkais
On y trouve une traduction savoureuse de quelques définitions qui prouve que les américaines ont les mêmes spécimens que nous à la maison.
EXTRAIT "Trop Subtil pour un Homme” is a feminist piece of work that does not hate men, on the contrary it pinpoints their quirkiness but does so with love. It does not seek to achieve anything specific; it is more a window into a reality as viewed by these two ladies, than an anthropological study or a societal treatise.

The book is yet to be translated into English, however so as to ensure you can enjoy a sneak peak preview I will try to translate as well as I can:

Sleeping Beauty
– She did well to sleep – now she will have to deal with her job, the shopping, her mother-in-law, the kids and Prince Charming himself.

Cross – we each carry our own, but often we also carry theirs.

Equivocal - Ma Chatte (my pussy – carries the same meaning as in English but is also a term of endearment in French).

Hercules – they would like to view themselves as Hercules but without the labors that come with the name.

Message – So many women send a message in a bottle, it’s surprising more women are not alcoholic.

Letter-by-Letter these ladies cover the entire Alphabet with their wit and their insights.

The French Press has hailed the book as “the perfect Valentines Day gift”. Surprising you may think after all it’s a sarcastic, scathing book, well that just goes to pinpoint the difference between France and America, the French seem not to take it as personally as the American man would and view all the comments with a wink and a smile.

I sincerely hope we will soon be able to read it in English too, in the meantime for the Francophiles amongst us, the book can be found online and at the temple of cool: Colette. It is everything it promises to be!

~ Shéhérazade
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